Monday, 15 December 2008

Sunday's Round Up... 24 hours late.- AKA Why I am NOT festive.

Normally I write a post on a Sunday morning rounding up my week.
WHAT a week last was.
Phew so here is the round up.
Sunday last: Well we left it where I was bruised and bashed and my poor car....
By the middle of the week I had Flu. I am very careful to use the "Flu " word, as I feel too many people call a common cold, flu. But I had temperatures, both hot and cold, shivers that felt so hot and yet had me shaking. At the same time the bruises became worse. The most painful part was my left leg from my knee to the top of my foot. I am not a nurse, but think that the bruises knocked my immune levels and so my poor body just decided to complain about everything. Worrying about money, I accepted work but in the end my Hubby rang in for me, by whihc point i had lost my voice. My family were worried that apart from looking at the car on Sunday morning, I had not left the house and was becoming a recluse. Truth be I probably was, but I also slept a HUGE amount.

Then I began to feel better and decided that a bit of pampering would be in order, kick me in to moving myself. So I had a long bath the other morning, "borrowing" some of Steph's girlie bath products. Looking at my legs I decided they needed so attention. However shaving over the bruises was not a good idea I thought, so I used some cream. I have used it before on my legs. But for some reason, it burnt my leg. BURNT the sore bruise on my leg. I spent yesterday in more discomfort.

Ooo and the iron broke, by which time I was laughing hysterically......

It was a long wierd week.

This week has started off better, I got myself some work this morning in a school I have worked inbefore. All fine and dandy, meeting old friends, etc. Until a 5 year old threw up infront of me!


PBS said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better now, and hope the bruise is healing! Maybe the five-year-old had the Flu?!

Le laquet said...

Nice! 5 yr olds - got to love their timing :o( Nearly there now petal

Shammickite said...

A nice steamy hot bath with some smelly stuff in it goes a long way towards getting rid of the flu and whatever ails you. So does becoming a recluse... staying in bed for a day and avoiding all the nasty things that life can throw at you works wonders.
Hope this week is better than last.